Saturday, 26 September 2020

Beginner's Guide to Siege: The Defenders

This third post will go through the defending operators in the same way as the previous post. The next post will be a more simplified view of all the operators, attackers and defenders before moving on to the next part of the guide which will detail some of the operators I believe are good for new players.

Like in the previous post, each operator will have their name and their armour and speed scores, for example, (1/3) for a 1 armour, 3 speed operator. Below this will be a short description of the operators ability and a picture of their icon.

Pulse (1/3)

Pulse’s Cardiac Sensor has a range of 9m and detects any attackers within that range through walls, floors and ceilings. However if an attacker is under the effect of Finka’s adrenal surge the range increases to 14m. It will show a red circle to indicate an attacker's presence and beep once, this beep gets louder the closer the attacker.

Castle (2/2)

Castle can place up to three barricades on doors or windows. The barricades are bulletproof and require 12 melee hits to break them open, some from of explosive or a single hit from Sledge’s Breaching Hammer

Doc (3/1)

Doc has three stim pistol shots which heal 40 hp to an operator. They can also be used to revive an operator and will revive them with 75hp rather than the standard 20hp. In addition it will only takes 2.75 seconds instead of 4 seconds for normal manual revive.

Rook (3/1)

Places a pack of 5 armor plates which provide a range of benefits to keep operators alive longer. Gives roughly a 20% damage reduction, causes explosives to do less damage, doubles the bleed out timer to 120 seconds and guarantees the operator will be put into a downed but not out (DBNO) state rather than killed when their health goes to 0 unless they are killed by a headshot.

Jäger (2/2)

He has 3 ADSs which can be placed on the walls, floors and other flat surfaces and each one can destroy 1 projectile every 10 seconds. In order to destroy a gadget it must be in line of sight of the ADS. This is a list of the projectiles that the ADS can destroy:

  • Frag Grenades
  • Stun Grenades
  • Smoke Grenades
  • Thatcher's EMP Grenades
  • Ash's Breaching Rounds
  • The sub grenades from Fuze's Cluster Charges - as each charge deploys 5 sub grenades these can be used to quickly clear ADS
  • Ying's Candela Grenades when they are thrown, as well as the individual Flash Charges if it detonates
  • Zofia's Impact and Concussion Grenades
  • Nomad's Airjabs
  • Zero's ARGUS Cams

Bandit (1/3)

He has 4 batteries which can each electrify a single reinforced wall, barbed wire or a deployable shield. Electrified objects will do around 9 damage per second (DPS) to attackers and destroy any gadget they come into contact with, with the exception of:

  • Other Shock Wires
  • Echo's Yokai drones
  • Kaid's Electroclaws
  • Drones hacked by Mozzie' Pests

Smoke (2/2)

Smoke has three toxic canisters which stick to surfaces and release a poisonous yellow smoke that lasts 10 seconds and does 30 DPS to all operators apart from Smoke himself. When the Finka boost is active for an attacker, the damage is doubled. . The smoke will release a gas cloud that is 5 meters in diameter and can pass through walls if it is close enough. 

Mute (2/2)

Mute has 4 Mute Jammers which jam electric gadgets and drones belonging to attackers within a 2.25 meter radius, they also jam gadgets vertically above them the same distance but they don’t jam underneath them. Mute Jammers affect different attacker gadgets differently:

  • Gadgets that cannot be activated when in range of a jammer:
    • Breach Charges
    • Hard Breach Charge
    • Thermite's Exothermic Charges
    • Fuze's Cluster Charges
    • Hibana's X-KAIROS pellets
    • Ace's SELMA's will not activate when inside the effective range of a Signal Disruptor.
  • Gadgets that cannot be activated if the Attacker is in range of a jammer:
    • Remotely detonated gadgets (see above).
    • Blitz's Flash Shield
    • Jackal's Eyenox; it can still be toggled, and can still see footprints, but Jackal cannot activate its scanning capabilities.
    • Jackal's vision when the Eyenox is flipped down is affected by a disrupting static effect as he moves closer to the Disruptor.
    • Finka's Adrenal Surge
  • Gadgets that do not affect defenders who are in range of a jammer:
    • Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb will not affect defender phones in the radius of a Jammer and will stop the buzzing if they move into range of a jammer.
    • Lion's EE-ONE-D

Kapkan (2/2)

He begins the round with 5 Entry Denial Devices (EDD) that can be attached at between shin and head level on the frame of any barricadable door or around chest height on any barricadable window. The EDD will trigger when an attacker comes through the door or window. The explosion will do 60 points of damage to light armored operators, 51 to medium and 45 to heavy armored operators.

Tachanka (3/1)

Due to have a massive rework during Year 5 which is rumoured to be giving him a grenade launcher and making his mounted LMG into his primary weapon. Currently has a mounted LMG, that can be taken down and moved throughout the round. The shield in front of the LMG protects the users head and shoulders and has 500 HP. 

Frost (2/2)

Frost has three Welcome Mats which can be placed on the floor anywhere there is space. As soon as an attacker steps on the Mat they will be placed in a downed but not out (DBNO) state in which they cannot move or slow the bleed rate. The only way to be rescued is by a manual revive. 

Valkyrie (2/2)

She begins the round with 3 black eye cameras which are deployed by throwing them at surfaces where they will stick and can be retrieved after being thrown if they are in reach. The camera can look round almost 180° both horizontally and vertically and can be viewed by any of the defenders.

Caviera (1/3)

Caviera effectively has 3 parts to her ability. The first is her Silent Step, this allows her to move silently and can be active for up to 10 seconds continuously before needing to recharge. The maximum recharge time is 5 seconds. She can activate Silent Step with a minimum of 25% charge. When it is active she can only use her special sidearm the “Luison”. The Luison is the second part of her ability. It does an average of 65 damage which is higher than average and has an extended damage drop off (21 meters) as compared to other pistols which start dropping off from 11 meters. It will also only kill an operator if they are downed in order to allow her to use the third part of her ability, her Interrogate. In order to use this ability, she has to interact with a downed attacker and perform a 5 second interaction during which the player must hold down the activation key. Upon successful completion of the interrogation, all live attackers will have their location and identity revealed to  all the defenders for 10 seconds.

Echo (3/1)

He has two Yokai Drones which can either be in ground mode

(where it can move around, but cannot use the concussive blasts) or ceiling mode (in which it is immobile, but i can use the concussive blasts). The concussive blast acts like other concussive effects; hearing is disrupted, the screen is blurred and the peripheral vision is darkened. This effect lasts 10 seconds and has a range of 14 meters. In addition most continuous actions will be disrupted (including planting the defuser), the exception being removing a Gu mine. The Yokai can have up to 2 blasts in reserve and they take 16 seconds to recharge. If the Yokai leaves the building for more than 3 seconds then it will disable and need to be manually retrieved by Echo. 

Mira (3/1)

She has 2 Black Mirrors which are bulletproof one-way mirrors that she can deploy on either reinforced or unreinforced walls. The mirror will only be see-through on the side it is deployed and it will take 5 seconds to deploy. The defenders can break the small gas canister at the bottom of the mirror in order to shoot through the gap that will be left or alternatively the attackers can destroy the gas canister using gunfire, melee, explosive damage or by Twitch’s Shock Drone. It takes 4 seconds for the window to fall and when the gas canister is broken, it will make a small puffing noise audible on both sides of the wall.

Lesion (2/2)

He starts with a single Gu Mine and gains an additional one every 30 seconds for a maximum of 8. The Gu Mines do 4 points of damage every 2 seconds, prevent the attacker from sprinting and prevent them from dropping or planting the defuser. Shield operators are exposed while removing Gu Mines.

Ela (1/3)

She has 3 Grzmot Mines which can be thrown and stuck to any surface and will trigger when an attacker enters their radius (roughly 4 meters). The radius of effect on the mine is around 6 meters and will affect attackers and defenders. The effect lasts around 6 seconds. 

Vigil (1/3)

His ERC-7 allows him to become invisible to all Attacker cameras, including cameras hacked by Dokkaebi and he will not trigger pings from Lion’s EE-ONE-D. The ERC-7 can be activated for a maximum of 12 seconds at a time and will then need to recharge. It recharges when not active and recharges at twice the rate it depletes so it has a maximum recharge time of 6 seconds. It can be activated with a minimum of 25% charge. Shooting or performing a melee attack will deactivate the ERC-7.

Alibi (1/3)

Has 3 Prisma holograms which do not change to match the cosmetics equipped by the player. If an attacker moves, drones or throws something through the hologram or shoots it, then their location will be pinged for all defenders once a second for five seconds. As a 3 speed with a solid gun she can work well as a roamer, especially if she uses the Prismas to protect her flanks. She can also throw her Prismas outside which will cause the “enemy detected outside” message to flash for the attackers until it is destroyed. This can allow a different defender to run out and have it disguised.

Maestro (3/1)

Maestro can place two Evil Eye cameras on any solid surface. The Evil Eye can see through smoke unlike most cameras. In addition it can shoot lasers that can destroy defender gadgets (hard breach gadgets, breaching charges etc) and drones. It does 5 HP of damage to an operator and can shoot four shots per second up to a maximum of 20 shots, at which point it will overheat and become disabled for 5 seconds. In order to shoot, it needs to open which is done by Aiming Down Sight and takes one second. While the turret is open to fire it can be destroyed by bullets, melee attacks or by Twitch’s Shock Drone. However when not open to fire, the cameras are bulletproof and cannot be destroyed by melee hits. They require explosive damage, Maverick’s Torch or Sledge’s Hammer in order to be destroyed when closed. Although all defenders can view the camera, only an alive Maestro can turn them or use the laser function.

Clash (3/1)

Clash’s CCE Shield works in a similar way to Montagne’s Extendable Shield when she takes it off her back. It covers her whole body and she cannot use her sidearm or any gadgets or access cameras while she has it out, however unlike Montagne, her whole shield is see-through. She is unable to perform a typical shield melee attack. Instead her shield has tasers which slow and damage (5 DPS) any operators in a cone in front of her, however they have no effect on gadgets. The range of the taser is around 12 meters and it can work for up to 5 seconds before needing to recharge. It recharges 20% per second and if it is fully depleted it will have to fully recharge before she can use it again. Clash can prevent attackers from entering windows and doors.

Kaid (3/1)

Kaid has two Electroclaws which he can deploy by throwing the at any surface. It will take four seconds for it to charge up, during which time you will be able to see the radius it will electrify. After the four seconds, all metallic objects within the Electroclaw’s radius will become electrified and will act in the same way as objects shocked by Bandit's wire (doing around 9 DPS and destroying gadgets that come into contact with it). It will affect metal objects through surfaces such as walls.

Mozzie (2/2)

Mozzie comes with 3 Pests which are devices that are able to hack attacker’s recon drones and Twitch’s Shock Drones. When he hacks a drone, the attackers lose control of it and instead Mozzie has complete control of the drone, he can move it, scan and ping on it and use the taser on Twitch’s Shock Drone. All defenders will be able to see through the drone but only Mozzie can move it. If he drives the drone outside for longer than 3 seconds then he will lose control of it. Mozzie can hack the drones by either shooting a Pest at a drone or by shooting it on a surface to wait for a drone to come into its radius and line of sight, at which point it will jump onto the drone and hack it. It takes 3 seconds for the Pest to hack a drone and once it has completed the hack it will self-destruct meaning Mozzie can hack a maximum of 3 drones. 

Warden (2/2)

Warden has Smart Glasses, which when activated allow him to see through smoke and flashes. The Smart Glasses last for a maximum of 10 seconds, after which they will need to recharge which takes 12 seconds. They cannot be activated unless they are fully charged. If he deactivates his glasses before they are out of charge, they will lose any charge that was left. His ability to see through smoke will fade the more Warden moves.

Goyo (2/2)

2 Volcan Shields which from the front look like normal shields but can be detonated to create an explosion which does 30-40 damage to anyone close to it depending on their armour class and leaves fire for around 12 seconds which does 36 DPS.

Wamai (2/2) 

Starts with 1 Mag-NET and gets a new one every 40 seconds, up to a max of 5. Discs which can be tossed pretty much anywhere, they catch projectiles and then self-destruct, detonating the gadget as they do so. 

  • Thatcher's EMP Grenades
  • Ash's Breaching Rounds
  • Fuze's Cluster Charges
  • Capitão's Smoke and Fire Bolts
  • Ying's Candelas
  • Nomad's Airjabs
  • Zofia's Concussion and Impact Grenades
  • Gridlock's Trax Stingers however, they will still trigger and release Stingers normally as they won’t be detonated by the MAG-Net
  • Kali's LV Lances
  • Frag Grenades
  • Smoke Grenades
  • Stun Grenades
  • Zero's ARGUS Cams.

Oryx (2/2)

Oryx’s Remah Dash allows him to smash through soft walls (causes 5 points of damage) and barricades (causing no damage). The Dash replenishes every 12 seconds and he can have a maximum of 3 charges at a time. In addition, Oryx can jump up through open hatches, he hangs on the ledge and can either drop back down or jump up.

Melusi (1/3)

Melusi has three Banshees which are bulletproof devices that slow attackers and make a low humming noise alerting defenders to the attacker’s position. The effects of the Banshee start when an attacker is 4 meters away by reducing an attacker's movement speed by 25%, increasing to a 50% reduction by 2 meters away. The Banshee can only be destroyed by melee attacks or explosive damage.

Eloise Evans is an undergraduate student from the United Kingdom. Her love of games stems from the frustration she experienced playing various Red Alert games when she was young. Since then she has developed a particular love of the Elder Scrolls games and the Fallout series. At the moment she is playing a lot of Rainbow Six Siege and Sea of Thieves - arguably too much.

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